Family Notes


Marriage Note: Source:    Extracted marriage record for locality listed in the record.
Search performed using PAF Insight on 11 Nov 2005

Family Note:   Christopher Guest (b. 1705) along with his brother, Nathaniel (b. 1707) went into business together and bought a sailing boat, called "The Two Brothers," to enable them to trade with England. But their business failed and they left Maryland in 1745, going first to western North Carolina where they and their families lived the rugged life of frontier settlers.
In 1750 Christopher was hired by a group of English investors to explore the Ohio Valley and describe the area that would be best for new settlements. His accounts of his adventures as he sought out the best land for the Ohio Company are just as exciting as you could imagine. His journals describing these exploraions were published and make fascinating reading. He later settled his family in the area claimed by the Ohio Company in what was then the western part of Virginia. Christiopher served as a guide to General Braddock during the French and Indian War and later to George Washington.

Son, Nathaniel (b. 1733) was named for his uncle Nathaniel. He was only 13 when the family moved into the rugged frontier territory in western North Carolina, and he grew up in the heart of the homeland of the Cherokee Indians. In fact, Nathaniel continued living and trading among the Cherokee through the time of the revolutionary war. Evidently he was well thought of by the Cherokee chiefs, since they gave him possession of Long Island in the Holsten Rover. He would buy items in Pensacola and transport them to the indian country to trade for furs which he then sold in Maryland.
This same Nathaniel is generally believed to be the father of the well known indian, Sequoia.
Sequoia (1770-1843) was the Cherokee Indian who developed the first Cherokee written language.

This info was obtained from my cousin, Gareth Guest of LaJolla, Ca. July 2005. I believe some of the data came from a book entitled " In the Footsteps of Daniel Boone" by Randell Jones.

** Further interesting information on Sequoia can be found by going to and searching for "Sequoia Cherokee" There is much information from many sources there. CBCL